Servant of God Fr. Peter Marie Mermier is the Founder of MSFS & SCC

The MSFS means "The Missionaries of Saint Francis de Sales" (Also known as Fransalians

and the SCC means "The Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod" (Also known as Holy Cross Sisters) 

Some Photos

Talks on Fr. Mermier (Videos)

Write ups about Fr. Mermier

Praying with Fr. Mermier

A  Series of Reflections on Fr. Mermier (Short Videos)

These are short videos from the series known as Seven Minutes with the Servant of God. For the details click here

(In the titles below PMM stands for Fr. Peter Marie Mermier)

In History's Dark Moments - A Webseries on Fr. Mermier

A web series (from Fransalian Seminary) sketching the life and Mission of Fr. Peter Mary Mermier, the great Missionary who left behind a great legacy with the clarion call " I Want Missions". As a result of which founded the two Religious Congregations: The Missionaries of St. Francis De Sales and Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod 

“Fr. Mermier was inspired by the missionary zeal of St Francis de Sales, the great apostle of Chablais and a great master of spiritual life. Inflamed by the love for God and an intense love for humanity, St Francis de Sales saw in the disfigurement of humans the disfigurements of God himself. He found in the false doctrines, slackening of faith, unfounded fear to draw near to a compassionate God, fragmentation within and among themselves, discrimination in the name of class, gender and positions.” (MSFS Constitution No.5).

For resources for the Foundation Day of MSFS (24th October) see the page MSFS