Some Dates  / Events in the life of Fr. Mermier

28 Aug. 1790  :  Birth of Peter-Mary MERMIER

21 Mar.1813  :  Mermier, ordained Priest at Chambery by Mgr. Solle, and, appointment as Curate at the Parish of Magland, whose Curate is Fr. Desjacques

1819  :  Mermier appointed Parish-Priest of Châtelard 

1822  :  Re-establishment of the Diocese of Annecy suppressed by the French Revolution

27 Apr. 1823  :  Mgr. Claude François de THIOLLAZ, assumes charge as Bishop of Annecy

Oct. 1823  :  Fr. Mermier takes charge as Spiritual Director at the Seminary of Annecy.  He does his best in his new job, writing a Rule of Life for the Seminarians, giving conferences and spiritual direction.  But his heart is in mission preaching.  The Bishop grants him his desisre, whilst allowing him and his collabotators (to reside in a separate wing) to remain in the Seminary”.  [Moget, p. 17]

14 Mar. 1832  :  Demise of Mgr. THIOLLAZ, Bishop of Annecy

02 Oct. 1832  :  Mgr. Peter-Joseph REY is appointed his successor

06 Apr. 1836  :  Blessing and laying of the foundation stone of the Chapel of La Feuillette.

27 Aug. 1837 :  The “Band of Missioners” take up residence in La Feuillette  

29 Sep. 1836  :  Mgr. Peter-Joseph REY, at the request of Fr. Mermier approves the “Rule of Life”  he had drawn up, for the Band of Missionaries, with the instruction that the missionaries – individually and as a community – “study the works of SFS, live his spirit and spirituality and in their ministry of preaching and pastoral service apply his method and approach.

12 Oct. 1836  :  Civil approval of the Missionaries with the letters patent signed by the King (Charles-Albert)  of Sardinia

24 Oct. 1838  :  Congregation  constituted a legal / Religious Entity by an “Act” of the Bishop of Annecy

24 Oct. 1840 :  Bishop Rey presides over the Perpetual Profession of the Religious Vows of the First batch of MSFS  :  Frs. Mermier, Martin, Cheminal, Petitjean and Lavoral.  Discourse of the Bishop pp. 52-53

30 Jan. 1842 :  Demise, in Annecy, of Bishop Rey

30 Sep. 1842 :  Mermier arrives in Rome (via Turin, Geneva).  Resides with the Basilian Fathers at Our Lady of Pascolo.

02 Oct. 1842 :  Meeting with Cardinal Franzoni, Prefect of the Propagation of the Faith

16 Oct. 1842 :  Meeting with Cardinal Ortini, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Religious, the authority that coduld grant Mermier the desired approbation.

28 Mar. 1843 :  Mermier is received in audience with Pope Gregory XVI

02 Jun. 1843 :  “Decree of Praise” is conferred on the humble Founder and his Institute by the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Religious – the first step towards full approbation from Rome.

24 Jun. 1843 :  Mermier leaves Rome; proceeds, as SFS, on a Pilgrimage to Loretto en route to Annecy.  He stops at Turin to request the approval of the Government for the Daughters of the Cross of Chavenod.

27 Jul. 1843 :  Arrival at La Feuillette.  Welcomed by Fr. Gaiddon with the words : “Founder and Friend, Leader and Model, Founder and Master – you are (Peter) tge Rock of our Community”  [Moget, 41]

11 Dec.1844 :  Letter sernt to Cardinal Prefect of Propaganda offering the services of MSFS for pioneering evangelization in any overseas mission.

06  Feb. 1845 :  Reply of Cardinal Franzoni to the above letter informing that a mission in the Eastern part of India would be entrusted to MSFS, after Rome completes the process of Reorganization of the Terrotory. [Moget, p. 44]

02  May  1845 :  letter of Cardinal Franzoni to Fr. Mermier stating that the Holy Father on 16 March had approved the decisions Sacred Congregation : “to entrust to the priests chosen by you the care of the Province of Vizagapatam, to be governed separately from the Vicariate of Madras, but under the authority of the Madras Vicar Apostolic”.  (Moget, p.50)

10 May 1845 :  Four Priests : Frs. Jacques MARTIN, Joseph LAVOREL, Jean-Marie TISSOT, Jean THEVENET, and, two Brothers :L Pierre CARTON and Sulpice FONTANEL, were chosen as the pioneer Missionaries.

13  May 1845  :  Frs. Martin and Lavorel left La Feuillette for Paris, to meet the MEP in order to take note of the arrangements made for the Mission and the instructions received from Rome.  (cf. let. To Mermier, dtd. 18 May).  From Paris they left for the port at Bordeaux, where they were met, on 28 May,  by Frs. Tissot and Thevenet and the two brothers.

05 June 1845 :  Along with 8 Jesuits, 4 MEP, 4 ladies and a Gentleman, our 6 MSFS boarded the ship “Le Courier de l’Inde” and set sail from the Pauliac, for Pondicherry, via Mauritius.  (cf. let of Martin to Mermier, 10 June)

07 Sept 1845 :  Arrival in Pondicherry, after a voyage that lasted 89 days !  (cf. let of Thevenet to Mermier, 09 September 1845)

16 Jan. 1846 :  Departure by ship from Pondicherry to Madras; and after a stay of nine days, embarked on another ship to reach Jagernaikpuram (now part of Kakinada) on 15 February.  From there they proceeded by boat to Coringa (journey of 3 to four hours), and further by foot to Yanam (reaching there at 9.00 p.m. after trekking for a good five long hours.

17 Jan. 1846 :  Fr. Martin is installed parish priest of Yanam by the Pro-Vicar  (cf. let of Martin to Mermier, 07 March 1846)

19 Feb. 1846:  Arrival in the harbor of Vizag, at 4.00 pm  (cf. let of Lavorel to Mermier, 27 February1846)

02 May 1846:  Demise of Fr. Jacques MARTIN, of sunstroke (cf. let of Fr. Tissot to FR. Anthonioz, 30 July 1846)

14 May 1846:  Frs. Thevenet and Lavorel leave for Jaulnah and Kamptee, via Yanam and Secunderabad

08 Jul 1846:  Fr. Tissot leaves (Vizag) by bullock cart for Yanam to succeed Fr. Martin, and reaches his destination in the evening of the 20th.